Sunday, April 30, 2006


Hillary Clinton Visits School Children.

Hillary Clinton goes to a primary school in New York to talk about the world. After her talk she offers question time.

One little boy puts up his hand. The Senator asks him what his name is.


"And what is your question, Kenneth?"

"I have three questions: First - whatever happened to your medical health care plan? Second - why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office? And, Third - whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White House?"

Just then the bell rings for recess. Hillary Clinton informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess. When they resume Hillary says, "Okay where were we? Oh, that's right, question time. Who has a question?"

A different little boy puts his hand up; Hillary points him out and asks him what his name is.


"And what is your question, Larry?"

"I have five questions: First - whatever happened to your medical health care plan? Second - why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office? Third - whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White House? Fourth - why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early? And, Fifth - what happened to Kenneth?

Jay Leno

Oh, and here's a quote by Jay Leno: "I'm surprised they did a portrait of Hillary. I thought maybe an ice sculpture would have been more appropriate."

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Unbearable----A New Film

Haha----Here's Al and Joe!!!!


Gosh, I really hope I did okay in the debate. If I don't do well in the upcoming primary, it could kill my campaign. Anyway, I'll be crossing my fingers!!!!

Nomination Goes to......?

As we all wait to find out who the winner is, who do you think will be nominees of each party?

Edwards---Wearing Make-up?

Hillary---Democratic Nominee?

I heard that the Democrats want Hillary Clinton to be their nominee. Well, you have to admire the Democratic party, they lose once, and begin planning to lose again.

TV ADS!!!!!

Are most of you planning to do attack ads, postitive ads, or negative ads? I haven't decided on what to do yet. What do you think is the best choice?

Who Won?

Well, the debate sure was interesting----I wonder when we will find out who won. So, from what I heard some people say that Ian may have won, or perhaps Ryan (although Evan made a good point) and on the Democratic side, I am not sure, some people say that William and Akira won, others say otherwise. I heard that Mark did well, is that true? Personally, I wish I would have done better, but ---oh well!

By the way, for those who weren't in the Republican debate, it was really interesting how all the Reps asked Ian questions and not me. Some people say he won't win the debate because he "flip-flopped" on his views.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Debate---Means Nomination?

HUGE ADVANTAGE FOR DEBATE WINNER!!!!! I heard that basically, who ever wins the debate is the nominee of their party. Its a shame, because I don't feel that I did very well. I am not sure who won, but I feel that all of the candidates (Republicans) did excellent.

Debate Winners---Ian, Ryan, Akira, or William?

So, as I heard from the Democrats-- Akira and William might of won the debate. And on the Republican side, Ian or Ryan won. I am not really sure that I did that well, on account of my nervousness. You should have seen me! I was stuttering and shaking like crazy.

Thursday, April 27, 2006



Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ted Kennedy!

Alot of you may not know who he is, but Kennedy is a super-liberal senator from Massachusetts. Here is a funny picture of him depicted as jaws.

More Primaries.

Upcoming primaries will determine, nominee of party (is what I've heard).

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Well, I think Scott would be a great commenter along with Michael. Quite frankly, I just don't have enough time to continue to write updates on candidates, like Michael and Scott are doing.


Hillary's Deal With the Devil

Hillary was finishing up a day as Senator for New York when the Devil suddenly appeared in her office and made her an offer..."I am here to offer you a deal," the Devil said. "I will give you unlimited wealth, even more power, and a media that will pander to your every whim. In return, all I ask for is your soul, the souls of every member of your family, and the souls of all your constituents."Hillary pondered for a moment and then asked, "Unlimited wealth and power?""Absolutely unlimited," the Devil asserted."A pandering media?" she asked."They'll fall over themselves to support you, no matter what you say or do," the Devil assured."And you want my soul, my family's souls, and the souls of my constituents?" she asked."Yes. All of them," the Devil answered. Hillary was deep in thought for a moment, then finally spoke:"So...what's the catch?"

Does anyone know how to make a video on their blog? I spent an hour trying to get the computer to work. I would like to post a funny video of jibjab, but I can't get it to work.

Monday, April 24, 2006


Anyhow, I came in with winning four states: Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Oklahoma. I did okay, but I wish I would have won Louisiana.

Video,0,0,0" width="550" height="400" id="Marc_Ecko_Tagging_AirForceOne" align="middle">" />" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="550" height="400" name="Marc_Ecko_Tagging_AirForceOne" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />


So far I have 384 delegates and I have won 11 states. I have 36 million dollars.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Yes!!!!!!! I win Nevada, Utah, Arkansas, and West Virginia! I come in second in Nebraska, and Kansas and finished third in Maine, and New Mexico. I finished fourth in Idaho.

Southern Primary

Bell prepares for primary in southern states. Right now, I currently have 36 million dollars. (I spent 21 million in the latest primary) My top competitors are Ian Davis, Brittney Boles and Conner McLauchlan. With these three excellent contenders, I hope I do okay. I assume the results will be posted at about 7:00. Good luck!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Primaries Saturday!

I nervously await the next set of primaries-- which will be updated on Mr. Barkley's blog on Saturday. Good Luck to everyone!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Money and News Update

News: Bell wins Montana and ties in Vermont.

Money: Right now I have 48.5 million!


Top 5 Reasons Democrats Won't Win In 2006

1. Even Maureen Dowd of The New York Times knows the party is soft on security.

2. The Democrats lack a message. "The Democrats have a new mantra with every news cycle." Dick Meyer

3. According to National Journal's Chuck Todd, Dems are divided on Iraq, health care, energy, education....everything.

4. The numbers don't add up: "No one predicts a Democratic takeover in the House, where at best fewer than three-dozen seats are competitive". Donald Lambro

5. The Dems are underfinaced: The Republican National Commitee raised 13.9 million in January, while the DNC raised 5.1 million. The RNC has a 2 to 1 advantage over this election cycle: 119.3 million to 61.1 million.

DNC Chairman

You know what I find horrifying.....that the DNC (Democratic National Commitee) would allow Howard Dean to be thier chairman. Not only does this disgrace the face of the party, Dean is considered by many people (including Democrats) to be a rude, pessimistic canidate.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Isn't this hilarious? (I apologize in advance to all of those angry Democrats out there)

Oh, by the way---congrats to people who did well in the primaries!!!!

Disappointing News

Big disappointment in Delaware, and Rhode Island. Bell can only hope to win Vermont and Montana. The Bell campaign refused to comment.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Do any of you like Edwards? Well, in case you didn't know this-- Edwards used to be a lawyer who was known to sue a lot of doctors. Of course by doing this, Edwards become very wealthy and caused a lot of doctors to lose all of their hard earned money.

Why I Am A Republican

I believe the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person's dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.

I believe in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless or race, creed, sex, age or disability.

I believe free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.

I believe government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.

I believe the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations and that the best government is that which governs least.

I believe the most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people.

I believe Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.

I believe Americans value and should preserve out national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.

Finally, I believe the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideas into positive and successful principles of government.

FEC Report

I have approximately 32 million dollars.

Dean's Scream

Here is Howard Dean screaming!!!!

I thank the people of NH for sharing my values and vision.

Monday, April 17, 2006

And The Winner Is....?

Who do you think will win NH?
Leave a comment and tell me who you think has the best chance. (I will list all of the Republicans alphabetically)


Saturday, April 15, 2006

More Jokes!

Saddam's Body Doubles

The eight Saddam body doubles are gathered in one of the bunkers in downtown Baghdad. Tariq Aziz, the deputy prime minister, comes in and says, "I have some good news and some bad news." They ask for the good news first.
Aziz says, 'The good news is that Saddam is still alive, so you all still have jobs."
"And the bad news?" they ask.
Aziz replies, "He's lost an arm."

For those of you who like funny political songs, go to jib!

Here are some bumper stickers in the last '04 election.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Hope everyone has a nice, long weekend!

Michael Moore

Here is a picture of Michael Moore eating. In case you don't know who he is, he is the man who did the movie Fahrenheit 9/11.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Fundraising Letter

I told you I would put my fundraising letter on the blog---so here it is! Enjoy!!!


Dear Robert Pollen,

In this decisive year, you and I will make decisions that affect the future and prosperity of our country. More than ever, in this coming election I need your support. Trust me to lead America on her path to greater security and a bright future.

In November, Americans will chose which path our country will take in the future. We will either chose to have a thriving country with strong character or we will chose to have a country shut off from opportunity with no morals.

When people look at my campaign, I want to enlighten them with the hope of a better America. An America with values like leadership, honesty, and courage. I want America to have tougher sentences on crime, school choice for families who can’t afford to send their kids to a decent school, and a conservative foreign policy.

My campaign focuses on connecting with people---not through television, but actually meeting people and discussing what they would want America to be like in 2008. When I do so, these people give me the hope and dreams they wish America to have in the coming years. This kind of change is only possible if we elect a Republican to the White House. I intend to be that Republican but victory will only come with hard work and your support.

Today more than ever, Americans are in need of a leader they can trust and depend on. They also need a leader who they can look for direction and inspiration.

Americans want tax cuts, improved education, and a stable economy. I know that if I become president, I will fight for this.

Republicans have an agenda for our nation that leads with confidence.

Our nation is committed to protecting its people and their rights, and with the wrong leader in this situation, we can only imagine what the dire consequences would be.

As well as my campaign is doing right now, we must continue to do even better. We must continue to direct Americans to conceive what an America filled with hope and ambition would be like.

Thanks to the encouragement of many supporters, my campaign has reached across to many people. Americans are learning what I believe about crime, education, and foreign policy. Every day in these remaining months, I work to connect with voters---what they want America to be like. Hearing from this people, I understand that the current president is not satisfying the demands of these people, and I know I would do better if elected.

Improving America’s education standard is something most Democrats won’t like, because of their belief against school choice, but it is something I strongly believe I can change for the benefit of the American people.
That’s why I am asking for your generous donation of $50, $100, or $200. Please send a contribution today to help spread the word about a new compassionate, competitive America.


Alexandra Bell

P.S.-Your commitment to our party is vital to advancing the winning of the election.
Please send a special contribution to the Alexandra Bell campaign for President to help
make our hopeful vision a reality. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Support Arnold!!!! (In case you don't know, he is the governor of California)

Caucus Results!!!!!

Congrats to the people who did good in the caucus:
Will, Scott ,Ryan, Evan, Conner, Ian.....and a few others. Remember (to those who got few vote) you can still try and win NH! If any of you were wondering what a caucus is and who participates in them-- here is some research I found.

What is a caucus?
The word caucus is a North American Indian word, thought to be of Algonquin origin, meaning a gathering of the ruling tribal chiefs. The modern definition describes caucuses as a process of political party members gathering to make policy decisions and to select candidates.

How did the caucuses begin?
Some form of caucus has existed since the early 1800s, even before Iowa became a state in 1846. Developing from the congressional and legislative caucuses, the pioneers of the Iowa constitution chose caucuses rather than a primary to nominate candidates, preferring the grass-roots democracy-in-action approach.

When are the caucuses?
The Caucuses are held in Iowa every two years. The caucuses held in the off-presidential years are usually smaller and focus on the party platform. The caucuses that coincide with presidential elections are better attended and receive more media attention.

Who participates in the Caucuses?
Any voter who is a registered Republican or Democrat, and can prove residency in Iowa, can participate in the caucus of their party.

How did the Iowa Caucus gain its First in the Nation status?
In the early 1970s, the Iowa Democratic Party made several reforms to their delegate selection process. These reforms included requiring a minimum of 30 days between the precinct caucuses and the county, district and state conventions, and publicizing the events to allow more people to take part in the process. When the 1972 Democratic State Convention was set for May 20, the new rules dictated that the precinct caucus would be January 24, thereby making it the first statewide test for presidential candidates in the nation. In 1976, recognizing the increased exposure, the Republican Party of Iowa moved their caucus to the same date as the Democrats. The candidates and national media have observed the Iowa Caucuses as the "first in the nation" ever since.

How do the Caucuses work?
On caucus night, Iowans gather by party preference to elect delegates to the 99 county conventions. Presidential preference on the Republican side is done with a straw vote of those attending the caucus. This vote is predominately taken by a show of hands or by ballot. Democratic caucus-goers express their presidential preference through a short of hands, a sign-in sheet or by dividing themselves into groups according to candidate. Democratic candidates must receive at least 15 percent of the votes in that precinct to move on to the county convention. If a candidate receives less than 15 percent of the votes, the caucus cannot end until those voters change their vote to one of the predominant candidates. A "third party" may hold a convention to nominate one candidate for president and one for vice president as well. The results of this caucus activity on both the Democratic and Republican sides are not binding on the elected delegates, but the delegates usually feel obligated to follow the wishes expressed by the caucus-goers. Thus the initial caucus results provide a good barometer of the composition of Iowa's national delegation

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

To my Bush haters out there—chew on this awhile
Here are some quotes that people said about President Bush:

"Bush may be unpopular, but unlike his 2004 opponent John "I-voted-for-the-war-before-I-voted-against-it" Kerry, at least Bush doesn't anchor his principles to opinion polls. And most important of all, Bush will not surrender to Islam fascist terror."

"My main reason for voting for Bush was that I felt he would be able to improve the economy. As a result of his fiscal policies, the economy is now booming and millions of new jobs have been created since he was re-elected."

"First of all, what were the options? Al Gore? John Kerry? Good God, Bush looked heaven-sent compared to those two. Iraq is a problem, not insolvable, but major. The economy is the best in history and unemployment the lowest ever. I'd vote for Bush again in a heartbeat."

"I voted for Bush, and I am immensely satisfied with my choice. He is performing very well while under attack from without and within. The thought of either of those weak-kneed liberals Al Gore or John Kerry being in charge of our country during these trying times really frightens me."

"He was clearly the best candidate in both elections. He has bravely stood by his principles despite the immense volume of criticism since being elected. It is never easy to maintain the principles that got you elected. Bush has withstood wave after wave of second-guessing and deserves the respect and support of the voters in this country."

Fundraising letter

My fundraising letter is due Thursday--and so if I get a chance I will post it on Friday.

Hey, by the way if you are struggling with the assignment-- here are some helpful suggestions:

Writing a fundraising letter is not that difficult. However, you need to know what works and what doesn't before you invest your time composing your donation request. Fundraising letters have some general rules of thumb:
Keep in mind whenever you are asking for money that you are providing a service.

Tell people what you've done and what you plan to do to achieve progress toward your goals.

Longer letters do better: a) You can address all concerns and potential concerns b) There are different kinds of readers - Long letters are OK for all: - Those that throw unopened envelope away - the length of letter is irrelevant. - Those that read only beginning and ending - the length of letter is irrelevant. - Skimmers can pick up more points from a longer letter - Passionate readers love long letters

Make your fundraising letter compelling

Paragraphs and bullets should be no more than 3 sentences or items; break longer ones in half.

How to write a fundraising letter:

Good news - Always start the letter with a series of good news bullets to build momentum and make entire letter entertaining and informative. - Use foreshadowing to tease reader and keep him or her reading.- Create a "widow" at the end of the first page (a thought that's finished on second page)- Make your reader turn the page.

Describe what you want to do next - Tell what you're going to do. - Why you're going to do it. - How you're going to do it. - What results you expect.
List suggested contribution amounts - Use even numbers in graduated amounts- Offer a monthly auto charge credit card option ($10 a month is $120 a year)- Include a blank line for write-in amounts

Remind readers that their contribution is your budget - Your successes have been possible because of their past contributions - Thank them!

Use P.S.'s for skimmers - May titillate skimmers and get them to read the entire letter. - To create a sense of urgency.

Donation Letter Results

Expect results of $1.50 to $2.00 per letter mailed.
Fundraising letters are easier to produce than newsletters and you can share news and the same information. If you can't do both a newsletter and a fundraising letter, it's better to just do the fundraising letter.
Fundraising letters create a continuity of membership; the more letters you send, the amount per person should go up.

3% to 5% of people every month will respond.

Regular fundraising letters will get people in the habit of giving.

Ask for a monthly pledge (100% of credit card pledges are fulfilled; 70% of others are fulfilled)
Under promise results and over-deliver.

Fundraising Letters - Final Tips

Be yourself - Write with your own personal voice and style.

Make it personal and passionate - That's the only way to really connect with people.

Grab their attention - Put a big, bold headline at the top of your letter stating your case & cause.

I am really busy, so probably there won't be any updates until Friday.

Here are the Republican and Democrat Symbols.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Haha--I thought this was a hilarious joke! I am sure the Democrats will like it.

The President is running down the street one day, and he sees a little girl who is giving away puppies that her dog just had. He goes up to the girl and says, "Little girl, I think that it's wonderful that you're doing such a good thing."The little girl says, "Thank you, Mr. Clinton. Would you like a puppy? They're Democrats."Bill declines and jogs onward. The next day Bill jogs past the same girl and decides to talk to her again. "You know what, little girl? I think I'll take one of those puppies after all, seeing as how they're Democrats."The girl says, "I'm sorry Mr. Clinton, but they're not Democrats any more. They're Republican now."Bill says, "They are? How do you know? As a matter of fact, how did you know that they were Democrats at first to begin with?"She says, "Well, just after they were born they were Democrats, but now their eyes are open."


From Mr. Barkley's Blog
Hundreds of thousands of people demanding U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants took to the streets in dozens of cities from New York to San Diego on Monday in some of the most widespread demonstrations since the mass protests began around the country two weeks ago. Rallies took place in communities of all sizes, from a gathering of at least 50,000 people in Atlanta to one involving 3,000 people in the farming town of Garden City, Kan., which has fewer than 30,000 residents.Demonstrators in New York City held signs with slogans such as "We Are America," "Immigrant Values are Family Values," and "Legalize Don't Criminalize." One sign said: "Bush Step Down.""We love this country. This country gives to us everything," said Florentino Cruz, 32, an illegal worker from Mexico who has been in the United States since 1992. "This country was made by immigrants."The protesters have been urging lawmakers to help an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants settle legally in the United States. A bill passed by the House would crack down on illegal immigrants and strengthen the nation's border with Mexico. A broader overhaul of immigration law stalled in the Senate last week.Monday's demonstrations followed a weekend of rallies in 10 states that drew up to 500,000 people in Dallas and tens of thousands elsewhere. Dozens of other rallies, many organized by Spanish-language radio DJ's, have been held nationwide over the past two weeks, including one with more than 500,000 people in Los Angeles.In North Carolina and Dallas, immigrant groups called for an economic boycott to show their financial impact. In Pittsburgh and other cities, protesters gathered outside lawmakers' offices. At the Mississippi Capitol, they sang "We Shall Overcome" in Spanish.In Atlanta, many in white T-shirts, waving American flags, joined a two-mile march from a largely immigrant neighborhood.The Rev. James Orange from the Georgia Coalition for the People's Agenda compared the march to civil rights demonstrations led by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and farm-labor organizer Cesar Chavez."People of the world, we have come to say this is our moment," Orange said.In New Jersey— with the Statute of Liberty in the background— several hundred people listened to speeches in Spanish and waved U.S., Colombian and Mexican flags.Several hundred people gathered in New York's Washington Square Park before marching to City Hall. Many waved flags, both American and of countries of their origin. Korean-Americans beat drums nearby.One of the Korean drummers, Grace Nam, 35, who is an American citizen, said: "We just need to make our voices heard. You want to live in a place where people are treated with dignity."Peter Lanteri, director of New York's chapter of the Minutemen, a volunteer border watch group, said he thought it was "ridiculous" that illegal immigrants were protesting for their rights."Illegal is illegal, and they break our laws to come here," Lanteri said by telephone. "We want the illegal immigration stopped and the borders secured."Supporters in San Diego planned to hold a ceremony to honor immigrants who died while illegally crossing the border.In Phoenix, police estimated that 25,000 people gathered for a rally. Exit ramps were closed and traffic on freeways through downtown was backed up for miles.In Houston, thousands gathered at a park in a largely Hispanic area of town as they rallied to march toward the spot where Houston's founding fathers first arrived. Maria Santiago, 53, an outreach coordinator for nonprofit health clinic in Harrisburg, Pa., said she sees many illegal immigrants seeking access to health care. "These are people that are willing to take any job, clean bathrooms, scrub floors for a measly penny so that they have an opportunity to live in this country ... and yet we want to send them back because they want a better life?" Santiago said.

Latest News

Rush Limbaugh

Visit the Rush Limbaugh Show to see the website

Will George Bush nuke Iran?

RUSH: All right, now, is George Bush going to nuke Iran? And the libs are out there, they're all in a panic.
Seymour Hersh, lunatic writer for the New Yorker is out there once again. We've got sound bites here in just a second, and it was all over the Sunday shows, "Is Bush going to nuke Iran? Is Bush going to nuke Iran?" The liberals are (laughing). It's amazing. This is an odd, crazy day. The liberals, my friends, are more concerned about Bush taking out the Iranan nukes than they are concerned that the Iranians get and use nukes! Nothing's changed with these people. The big problem when it comes to US national security as far as the libs are concerned is George W. Bush! He's going to nuke Iran. They're not worried at all about what nuclear capability Iran might be seeking and might acquire.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Nuclear Bombs

Report: US Ponders Iran Invasion
Well, I found this article very interesting. Of course we should attack Iran! Think about it logically, if we don't do anything--Mahmoud Ahmadinejad could devolp nukes and threaten the US and other countries with them. All we would have to do is drop a couple bombs on the uranium plant and we could stop them (without taking any American lives) from getting nukes. If we do not do anything this could pose as a major threat to Americans. No one wants a potential Adolph Hilter to have access to nuclear bombs.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

New scandals take out Dillawn, Robbins.
So far Allison, Chance, Alex, Michael, and Arne are the "walking dead". Only one Republican (Arne) has been eliminated.

Wow!! I am very proud of myself--I never could get any images on my blog ( you already know that I am horrible with computers) Here is a picture of Kerry, or should I say FRANKENKERRY!


Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog.--Mark Twain

Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."
- Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans.
Ronald Reagon

Here are some issues I strongly believe in: Tougher Sentences on Crime, School Choice for families who can't afford to send their kids to a decent school, and a conservative Foreign Policy tactic.
Maybe its just me, but I just don't understand the Democratic Party--they say they want more government involvement, when all they have to do is take a step back and look what happened in history when countries had too much government control and became communists

Alexandra Bell---New Candidate?

Who is Governor Alexandra Bell? Many Americans consider Bell a highly skilled,

successful leader and businesswoman because of her role as the powerful CEO and

founder of Bellworks®. Bell is a conservative Republican whose message appeals to the

mainstream of voters in the GOP because of her conservative views on foreign policy,

education, and crime.

In Bell’s announcement speech, she made it quite clear that she feels the current

president is not suitable for the American people and feels that she can improve America

with “tougher crime sentences”, “school choice”, and a “different” foreign policy tactic.

Born in 1958, Bell spent nearly all of her childhood living in the place she was

born: Nashville, Tennessee. A true Southern girl, Bell has strong beliefs of what is right

and wrong, according to one of her closest friends, Jessica Roofburg. Once out of high

school, however, Bell’s family did not have enough money to send Bell to college and

Bell was forced to work for four years with various jobs like, a store cashiers, a grocery store

helper, and assistant librarian. After working for a few years and getting a sense of what

the world was like, Bell managed to save enough money to be able to go to Dartmouth

where she was accepted. Once there Bell spent four years enduring cold weather. Feeling a

strong Southern tie, Bell came back to warmer weather and got her M.B.A at Yale. After

getting the degree, Bell endured a personal loss when her sister died in a car accident.

Trying to pull herself together after that major trauma, Bell joined the Peace Corp and

traveled to different countries (mainly sub-Sahara Africa) to help distribute food and

medical supplies. After staying in the Peace Corp for approximately 4 years, Bell founded

and started the company Bellworks®, a main producer of computer software, and after a

few years the company was worth millions, and Bell was elected CEO for her

“leadership” qualities and charisma. While holding the position of CEO, Bell met Joaquin

Johnson her future husband, who was a campaign manager for several campaigns at the

time. It wasn’t until after they had married that Bell started developing a deep interest for

politics. Once handing over the job of CEO to a former business partner and friend,

Casey Smith, Bell decided in enter the politics world with the help of her husband,

Joaquin, who manages her campaign, Bell for President 2008 Inc. Before even

considering running for president, Bell went to Washington along with Joaquin to work

as aids to conservative senators. During this time, Bell had her first child, Felecia who

was born in 1996.

Working her way up from merely being an aid to Senators, Bell ran for Congress

and was successfully elected in 2000. Then in 2004 Bell was elected as governor of

Tennessee. Here is part of her Presidential “stump” speech.

“I believe that if I am elected for president, I will enforce tougher sentences on our

criminals, allow school choice for people that cannot afford to send their child or children

to a decent school, and decrease the amount of American lives and money we spend

trying to help other countries. Our current President is not changing any one of the issues

I have mentioned”.

To friends, Bell is considered a strong leader with strong charisma and a great sense of


“I truly believe that Alexandra is really one of those special people that are just

made to run our country, if America has a woman president, she would definitely be the

one to win.”

Jerry Aflac

“Alexandra has always been a great friend to me and someone to whom I have always

looked up to. I would trust Alexandra completely if she were elected as president.”

Casey Smith

To political enemies, Alexandra is too inexperienced.

“Bell’s lack of experience is her biggest problem. If I were her, I would just drop out of

the race before she gets killed by politicians who have had multiple years of experience.”

The Democrats Weekly News Report.

By Stan McGuire

As we all know, all presidential candidates have different hobbies and habits.

Alexandra Bell likes to mountain bike, swim, hike, and ipod. She also enjoys water sports like

water skiing, wakeboarding, knee boarding and inner tubing. Traveling, going to various

places or different countries are all hobbies of hers. She is a big fan of chocolate and

other sweets like cookies or cake or brownies. Reading mystery books or adventure

stories are very appealing to Alexandra and she often spends an hour watching episodes

of either House or the Apprentice. Alexandra has just recently adopted two dogs of which

are spaniels and she hopes to by doing this, more people will adopt animals rather than

have them put to sleep in the shelters.

If you have any questions about this article go to to see the

latest updates and information.


Alexandra Bell’s Schedule

6:00- Wake up and prepare for the day (get dressed, and brush teeth)
6:45- Eat breakfast and introduce self to hotel staff at the Days Inn Graceland
7:00- Leave hotel and drive with friends/campaign supporters to Airways Middle school
7:35- Talk to teachers about school choice and hold a discussion with the students about politics.
8:00- Leave school and drive to Memphis Police Facilities.
8:20-Go to Memphis Police Facilities, introduce self to policemen and give stump speech.
8:45- Drive to National Civil Rights Museum, meet tour guides and have a tour of the museum.
9:10- Leave museum and travel to WMC radio station.
9:20- Chat with the host of the radio station and talk on the radio.
9:45- Leave WMC and drive to WPTY television department and hold an interview with the staff.
10:07- Go to the University of Memphis to give part of stump speech.
10:20- Shake hands at the University of Memphis and talk to people.
10:40- Drive to St. Judes Research Hospital, introduce self to staff, and tour the hospital.
11:05- Leave hospital and go to Court Manor Nursing Homes to meet and talk to senior citizens. Give stump speech.
11:30- Drive to lunch at Amerigo and meet W.W Herenton (the mayor of Memphis)
12:00-Attend a Memphis Grizzlies game to cheer on and meet members of the team.
12:40-Go to a press conference at 100 North Main building.
1:00- Meet local people at Starbucks. Shake hands and give part of stump speech.
1:30- Spend time at a local animal shelter and meet people.
1:50- Drive back to hotel to change clothes and grab a snack.
2:05- Drive to Memphis Botanic gardens to give a short speech to a small number of people.
2:40- Drive to neighborhoods to encourage people to support me. Meet people, knock on doors.
3:40- Meet firemen at the local West Memphis Fire Department.
4:12- Give stump speech to the local sanitation engineers
4:45- Get ready for dinner with the senator of Tennessee (John Ford)
5:00- Arrive at Mama Kati’s Diner.
6:00- Finish dinner. Drive back to hotel after going for a quick jog.
7:00- Get ready for next day.
8:00- Get ready for bed
9:00- Go to sleep

Thursday, April 06, 2006

So as it turns out, our politics class voted on the Delaware plan. This is a good thing for me, and some of the other canidates.

''Being president is like running a cemetery: you've got a lot of people under you and nobody's listening." –Bill Clinton

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Today, in politics class we have began discussing healthcare. I will update tommorrow.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hi and welcome to my blog! Right now I am working on a fundraising letter so don't be suprised if the blog isn't updated--- I will update all of the latest news on Friday----
Quote of the day:
A democract is a man who is blind to everything but himself
Frederick Smith

I gain 7.8 million dollars!