Nuclear Bombs
Report: US Ponders Iran Invasion
Well, I found this article very interesting. Of course we should attack Iran! Think about it logically, if we don't do anything--Mahmoud Ahmadinejad could devolp nukes and threaten the US and other countries with them. All we would have to do is drop a couple bombs on the uranium plant and we could stop them (without taking any American lives) from getting nukes. If we do not do anything this could pose as a major threat to Americans. No one wants a potential Adolph Hilter to have access to nuclear bombs.
I hope you become president because I support the same issues you support!
Thanks! You are too nice! Why don't you state your name?
No one will be as evil as Hitler. If you knew people who were affected by the Holocaust you would understand. Until then, Hitler is Hitler, and no one else.
Michael!!!!! I didn't say that the guy was Hitler, I said he could be a potential Hitler. We are taking about a crazy guy who doesn't even believe the Holocaust existed. And yes, there is someone as evil as Hitler--does the name Joseph Stalin ring a bell?
Hey alexandra how do you know they don't have nuclear bombs now? I mean only idiotic Bush supporters would believe that there is no way they have bombs!
Its a threat to Isreal, W. Not to America, smart one!
Hey Republicans suck!
Well, if they did have bombs, then logically wouldn't they be threatening Israel or other countries with them? These people I am talking about are not sane --they don't think killing people is wrong. And why would they want to buy uranium (in case you don't know, it is a material made in the bombs) if they already had the bombs?
Okay, whoever said the comment "smart one" needs to check the facts----um lets think, yes the bombs would be a threat to Isreal but if they wanted to hurt us, they could also use the bombs on us. Did you think of that "smart one?"
And lastly for the person who wrote "Republicans Suck", I am just going to say what a typical liberal, always critizing Republicans for no such reason.
It is kind of wierd---but I am getting a strong feeling that I have made some liberals mad. If you have a problem with something, please just talk to me at school. And also, if you don't like something, remember you don't have to look at my blog. This blog is just my opinion, how I feel about certain issues.
That's racist! You are now cxalling everyone in Iran insane! Stupid!
Oh, and to the person who called me "an idiotic Bush supporter", whoever or whatever you are, you need to learn some manners.
To the "yugioh person".
Wow. I never expected anyone to make a comment like that. Wow. I have no idea what your problem is, but by telling me what I wrote is racist-- you just need to get off my blog. I never made a comment that anyone in Iran is insane, I said that the people who were devolping the bombs were not sane. They would kill anyone without even thinking twice. I am really shocked that you would make a comment like that. Look, maybe you don't like some of the things I say on my blog--but that is no reason to make a horribly mean suggestion like that. Please, I will ask again, if you have a problem with something TELL ME AT SCHOOL INSTEAD OF LEAVING RUDE COMMENTS!
are you for the death penalty?
Hey smart one! Iran doesn't have the planes or techonoligy to get to the USA even less bomb us!
And you don't think Iran has nuclear weapons? Then why do they feel the need to bury their weapons-grade urnium producing reactors under 75 feet of concrete and rfuse that Russian deal?
Yes, if you must know--I am a strong supporter of the death penalty.
Great comments, Will! You sure showed that "yugioh" person.
Thank you annoymous!
If anyone knows what state will is from will you post it?
if anyone knows what state Erin is form tell me!
Where is Sussanah form also?
No,I don't think Iran has nukes. They might have buried the uranium plant underground so that it would be really hard for someone to find and bomb the plant. Also they might have refused the Russia deal so that they would't look suspicious.
Gosh, I am really sorry. I don't know what states any of them are from. But, I will ask Mr.Barkley about this on his blog. Check my blog at about 7:30, and I will try and post it.
Nice comment, Scott!
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