Saturday, April 08, 2006


Alexandra Bell’s Schedule

6:00- Wake up and prepare for the day (get dressed, and brush teeth)
6:45- Eat breakfast and introduce self to hotel staff at the Days Inn Graceland
7:00- Leave hotel and drive with friends/campaign supporters to Airways Middle school
7:35- Talk to teachers about school choice and hold a discussion with the students about politics.
8:00- Leave school and drive to Memphis Police Facilities.
8:20-Go to Memphis Police Facilities, introduce self to policemen and give stump speech.
8:45- Drive to National Civil Rights Museum, meet tour guides and have a tour of the museum.
9:10- Leave museum and travel to WMC radio station.
9:20- Chat with the host of the radio station and talk on the radio.
9:45- Leave WMC and drive to WPTY television department and hold an interview with the staff.
10:07- Go to the University of Memphis to give part of stump speech.
10:20- Shake hands at the University of Memphis and talk to people.
10:40- Drive to St. Judes Research Hospital, introduce self to staff, and tour the hospital.
11:05- Leave hospital and go to Court Manor Nursing Homes to meet and talk to senior citizens. Give stump speech.
11:30- Drive to lunch at Amerigo and meet W.W Herenton (the mayor of Memphis)
12:00-Attend a Memphis Grizzlies game to cheer on and meet members of the team.
12:40-Go to a press conference at 100 North Main building.
1:00- Meet local people at Starbucks. Shake hands and give part of stump speech.
1:30- Spend time at a local animal shelter and meet people.
1:50- Drive back to hotel to change clothes and grab a snack.
2:05- Drive to Memphis Botanic gardens to give a short speech to a small number of people.
2:40- Drive to neighborhoods to encourage people to support me. Meet people, knock on doors.
3:40- Meet firemen at the local West Memphis Fire Department.
4:12- Give stump speech to the local sanitation engineers
4:45- Get ready for dinner with the senator of Tennessee (John Ford)
5:00- Arrive at Mama Kati’s Diner.
6:00- Finish dinner. Drive back to hotel after going for a quick jog.
7:00- Get ready for next day.
8:00- Get ready for bed
9:00- Go to sleep


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound like a great politition because of all the kind things you are willing to do.

4/09/2006 7:39 AM  
Blogger Alexandra said...

Thank you so much! I appreciate your comment!

4/09/2006 10:10 AM  

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